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Ewing sarcoma osseous and extraosseous : a clinicopathologic study of 29 cases
Ayadi L, Chaari C, Kallel R, Ayadi K, Khabir A, Jlidi R, Daoud J, Frikha M, Makni S, Sellami-Boudawara T.
Tunis Med. 2010 May;88(5):301-5. French.

Primary Ewing's sarcoma of the maxillary sinus: report of a new case, successfully treated by radiotherapy and systemic chemotherapy
Farah-Klibi F, El Amine O, Rameh S, Resi H, Châabane H, Touati S, Frikha H, Raies H, Mezlini A,Maalej M, Adouani A, Baltagi Ben Jilani S, Zermani R.
Tunis Med. 2009 Oct;87(10):716-7. French. No abstract available.

  • Hits: 790

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Localized primary bone lymphoma: About four cases.
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The value of radiotherapy in the treatment of aggressive and localised gastric lymphomas
Ben Salah H, Ghorbel L, Krichen MS, Bellaaj H, Elloumi M, Frikha M, Daoud J.
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Amouri A, Chtourou L, Mnif L, Mdhaffar M, Abid M, Ayedi L, Daoud J, Elloumi M, Boudawara T, Tahri N.
Cancer Radiother. 2009 Jan;13(1):61-4. doi: 10.1016/j.canrad.2008.11.001. Epub 2008 Dec 19. Review. French.

Cancers Urologiques

Métastase calcanéenne d’un carcinome rénal : à propos d’un cas et revue de la littérature
W Ben Kridis ; J Feki ; N Toumi ; A Khanfir ; T Boudawara ; J Daoud ; Z Ellouz ; M Frikha
Med. Chir. Pied.
DOI 10.1007/s10243-013-0361-8

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Cancers Urologiques

Métastase calcanéenne d’un carcinome rénal : à propos d’un cas et revue de la littérature
W Ben Kridis ; J Feki ; N Toumi ; A Khanfir ; T Boudawara ; J Daoud ; Z Ellouz ; M Frikha
Med. Chir. Pied.
DOI 10.1007/s10243-013-0361-8

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